FACING CRIMINAL CHARGES? Aggressively and successfully representing clients in Los Angeles. Contact Us Today

Fighting Criminal Charges In Los Angeles County & SoCal

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Los Angeles Criminal Defense Attorneys

Arrested? Get 75+ Years of combined Criminal Law Experience on Your Side 

If you have been charged with a crime and need proven representation from a criminal defense attorney in Los Angeles, call Stephen G. Rodriguez & Partners now.

Your initial in-person consultation is at no cost to you. Our LA criminal defense lawyers are dedicated to creating a strategic defense for you, aimed at securing the best possible outcome for your criminal case. And, we are prepared to go to trial when necessary in order to obtain a not guilty verdict. 

Hiring the right defense lawyer can make all the difference.

Stages of the Criminal Process in California

The criminal process in California involves the following stages:

  • Arrest: Law enforcement officers apprehend a person suspected of committing a crime.
  • Booking: The arrested person is taken to a police station, where personal information is recorded, fingerprints are taken, and photographs are captured.
  • Arraignment: The defendant appears in court, is informed of the charges, and enters a plea (guilty, not guilty, or no contest).
  • Bail or Detention: Depending on the circumstances, the defendant may be released on bail or held in custody until trial.
  • Pretrial Proceedings: Both the prosecution and defense gather evidence, exchange information, and may negotiate a plea agreement.
  • Trial: If the case proceeds to trial, both sides present their evidence and arguments to a judge or jury, who determine the defendant's guilt or innocence.
  • Sentencing: If the defendant is found guilty, the court imposes a sentence, which may include fines, probation, imprisonment, or a combination of these.
  • Appeals: The convicted defendant may appeal the verdict or sentence if they believe there were legal errors or misconduct during the trial.

At Stephen G. Rodriguez & Partners, we understand the complexities and challenges individuals face when navigating the criminal justice system. From the initial investigation to pre-trial negotiations, trial representation, and beyond, our experienced team is committed to providing comprehensive legal support at every stage.

Our Los Angeles criminal defense lawyers work tirelessly to protect your rights, advocate for your best interests, and strive for the most favorable outcome possible. With us by your side, you can trust that you're in capable hands throughout the entirety of your criminal proceedings.

Client Reviews

  • God Bless you Stephen, wish you all the successes in life.

    “Stephen is a great contact and extremely helpful and knowledgeable. I am glad that I was his client in the past. Top lawyer, top man. God Bless you Stephen, wish you all the successes in life.”

  • Don't hesitate to contact them!

    “I was referred to this group of Attorneys. I was started with a low cost made arrangements. My case had to do with assault allegations. The case was dismissed they helped me not to loose my daughter to the system.”

  • Defendant charged with third probation violation.
  • Defendant charged in Federal case with felony Fraud involving several million dollars with a 40 years prison exposure.
  • Defendant arrested for Spousal Battery.
  • Defendant arrested for felony Rape.
  • Defendant (Los Angeles photographer) charged with assault and battery.

Learn More About The Law

Stay informed by browsing our dictionary of legal terms related to your case.  We also strongly encourage you to reach out to our firm for additional legal advice or assistance.

Fighting For Your Best Interests

At Stephen G. Rodriguez & Partners, our primary objective is to achieve the best possible outcomes for our clients. We are not here to pass judgment or provide you with false hope. Our approach is to pursue the most favorable results through various means, such as skillful negotiations with prosecutors that may lead to the dropping of your charges without going to trial, reduction of the charges, a strong defense at trial, or a plea bargain. We will carefully evaluate the unique facts of your case, including your legal defenses, and provide you with sound legal advice tailored to your individual needs and circumstances.

Your initial in-office consultation is free – call (213) 481-6811.

Why Hire a Local Criminal Attorney in Los Angeles?

Hiring a local attorney is valuable for the following reasons:

  • Familiarity with local laws and procedures: Local lawyers are well-versed in the specific statutes, regulations, and judicial procedures that apply in their jurisdiction. This familiarity can be invaluable in navigating legal processes efficiently.
  • Knowledge of local resources and contacts: Local lawyers often have established relationships with other legal professionals, court personnel, and relevant local resources. This network can be tapped into for information, collaboration, and support in your case.
  • Accessibility and availability: Being nearby, local lawyers are generally more accessible for meetings, consultations, and updates on your case. This proximity can facilitate smoother communication and quicker responses to your concerns.
  • Understanding of the local community: Local lawyers have a deeper understanding of the local culture, demographics, and community dynamics. This insight can be particularly beneficial in cases involving issues specific to the locality or where community perceptions may influence legal outcomes.
  • Cost-effectiveness: Contrary to popular belief, hiring a local lawyer can often be more cost-effective in the long run. They may offer competitive rates, and their efficiency in handling local matters can potentially save you time and money compared to hiring a non-local lawyer who needs to familiarize themselves with local laws and procedures.
  • Comprehensive Defense Strategies

    We focus on the facts of the case to create a strategic defense. We work tirelessly for our clients, prepare for trial, and work toward securing the best possible outcome – whether that be a dismissal, reduction in charges, or alternative sentencing.

  • Step-by-Step Guidance

    We provide step-by-step guidance throughout each phase of the process. The criminal justice system can be a confusing and frightening place, which is why we support our clients every step of the way. We provide the confidence you need to move forward.

  • 75+ Years of Combined Criminal Law Experience

    At Stephen G. Rodriguez & Partners, our defense attorneys have the ability and experience to handle even the most complex criminal cases. From misdemeanors to serious felonies, no case is too small or large for us to handle.

  • Communication And Personal Attention

    We make ourselves available at all times, responding promptly to our clients' calls. Initial in-office consultations are free and include an in-depth discussion of your situation. Throughout all points of your case, your lawyer will keep you informed.

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